Six-day Programmes: Re-orientation training programmes(RoTP) for teachers, Orientation of AYUSH ) for allopathic doctors and students, specialized training for AYUSH() paramedics and health workers, Management training to AYUSH( administrators and Exposure Visits of AYUSH doctors to specialized centers of best and innovative practices.
Three-day continuing Medical Education (CME) Programmes for Ayush doctors.
Six-day continuing Medical Education (CME) Programmes for AYUSH(Homoeopathic) doctors.
Web-based educational programmes for preparation of CDs and web-based CME programmes.
Publication of quarterly CME journals for distant learning/Peer-Review Scientific Journals in AYUSH (Homoeopathic )sector.
Development of Re-orientation Training/CME related innovative tools, programs and activities for use of AYUSH personnel. modules, training material, CME courses and
National and Regional Level Workshops / Conferences for CME.
Exposure Visit of AYUSH (Homoeopathic) personnel.