Indian red crescent health care society achieved so many target in the field of education , health and rural and agricultural development and provided charity social services for the rural peoples . Theorganization obtained following achievemens and target completed during the year 2017- 2018 and 2018- 2019
Financial Year 2018-2019
Indian red crescent health care society executive body has decided to start adult education center in the campus of Noorul Huda primary school at Campbell road new Yaseen Gunj in Lucknow city on the month of July 2018. In these centers illiterate peoples made educated at primary level and be able to read and write Hindi/ Urdu for daily life activities. About2125 peoples were made literate through its community education centers . About 135,346 famillies were provided with free legal services.
IRCHCS Organisation started the project of rural health services in the district Badaun –block Junawai- village Kerak wari , and established health post for the rural peoples with the grant aid project of UPHSDP Nodal agency of the UP, government. This innovative health scheme launched to protect mother and child and to reduce Mother mortality rate(MMR) and infant mortality rate(IMR) in rural areas. IRCHCS completed this noble with 100% success and IMR/ MMR reduces to nil by the sicererly work of the IHC health unit organization health post.
IRCHCS organization with the co-operation of voluntary members started economic program through district units, helped population of 886,496 of which 518261 are women, 169526 women and 157,700 land less poor, 15,608 new employment opportunities were create
IRCHCS – Organization started AYUSH ( Ayurved, Unani, Siddah, Homoeopathy) charity dispensaries in district luck now( Red crerscent health center Yaseen Ganj, and at Nishat Ganj) BADAUN( Gunnour) Aligarh ( JAMALPUR )}
Financial year 2019-2020
IRCHCS is a humanitarian ,non sectarian non profit ,non political ,and non government and an independent organization duty registered under society registration act XXI 1860 government of India .it is promoted by a group of professionally qualified ,dedicated and experienced person with the mission of improve equitably the social and environmental condition of families in need and objective to provide quality services for integrated development of the society .thus IRCHCS is an association of people who believe that poverty and exclusion can be fought through integrated and participatory development models and policies at local ,national and global level.
Aids control & awareness program
Society organized Aids awareness seminars in district, Lucknow, Sitapur Barabanki, Unnau, Raibraielly, Kanpur, Aligarh, Bulandshaher, the seminars attended Medical practitioner’s publics of rural and urban areas
Rallies have been organized by the society attended school students, publics and Teacher’s intellectuals on world Aids Day 31, December. In the seminar intellectuals speakers told to the public about precautionary measure [during blood transfusion, injection, sexual contacts with condoms with female partners
Road accidents safety awareness coping
Road accident awareness camps were organized in the month of April, May, and June ,September, October December, by voluntary members of the district branches[Lucknow ,Sitapur ,Barabanki .Unnau Badaun Aligarh ] .Public
symposium on road accident and traffic controlee was organized in Aligarh Muslim University ,JAMIA Millia University , with the support District unit of the society . In this
Public symposium speakers told public, students about to follow traffic rule
Control and be alert on road to avoid accidents .this is major problem in the big cities for the students in particular areas that use rough tough driving s
Environmental Conservation
Environmental conservation awareness seminars were organized 5th june 20019 to appraised the participants about the affects pollution on health . necessary advised was rendered regarding maintenance hygienic condition use of nonconventional energy source s to reduce pollution .More than 300 peoples participated in the program and peoples were told to avoid deforestation arrange plantation for healthy environment
Family welfare camps and Health Activities
Door to door village level campaign on the subject was organized to motivate eligible couples adopt family planning as a habit. The peoples were apprised of vaccination schedule of pregnant women and infants to avoid diseases like Tetanus diphtheria Tb and Poliomyelitis. Free e contraceptives materials were distributed through innovative health centers ...In addition to these following free camps were organized.
1.Eye camps was organized in Oct.20018, eye patients were treated and were given necessary medical and surgical treatment and advised
2. Aids awareness camps was organized in Jan. 95 and a large gathering of were advised to avoid free sex to save them from hazardous disease.
Vocational to youth women was provided in candle making and basket making envelope making Durries weaving type and similar job to make them self supporting self reliant . This year 50 women 20 young person was trained under the scheme. During the period 6 year since inception . The organization has tirelessly worked in there field of social welfare activities for the poor downtrodden backward sections of the society and we have achieved encouraging result without any financial assistance from any source. However there is still the need to do more work ` for alleviation of the suffering of rural poor residents for the socio economic well being. This organization has a firm resolve to continue further in direction for achieving aims and objective s
scholarship and awards
Scholar ship and prizes were provided to desirous meritorious ,poor students particularly from scheduled cast , minorities communities .
Consumer Awareness Program
Society organized consumer awareness program in luck now Sitapur , Barabanki in UP Where public in general was educated for consumer rights and they were told not to purchase defective poor quality products
Health care Awareness and free medical camps
These camps were orgies by the society in the year 20019 and regularly twenty free medical camps were organized in different localities of Lucknow districts where free medical consultation and medicines are given to the poor’s rural downtrodden localities . Health care training program started at district branches healthcare centers , the society awarded, certificates to health care members and advised him to serve rural people preventive health awareness from disease .
Family Planning awareness, Reproductive child health program
These camps were organized by the society during financial year20019- 2020 in Lucknow , Aligarh, Badaun, Sitapur , Lakhimpur , Shahjahanpur, rural areas the basics of these camps to get public aware of the benefit of small family and hazards of early marriage of men and women and what are the procedures adopted by person to keep their family small. Now it is well known to every one that for the own development and for the country development checking rapid growth of population is very essential in these camps several couples have participated and being educated through these camps.
Promotion and propagation indian system of medicine and homeopathy
Society has organized Public Symposium/Seminar & Free Health Services Camps for the promotion Of IEC Scheme of Council of Indian System of Medicine & Homeopathy. Union Ministry of Health & Family Welfare and a lot of Knowledge was given to people about Cost effectiveness efficacy & availability of ISM & H. Today Homeopathy and Natural herbal & remedy made up of true roots and leaves & system of plants and effective & cheapest for poor’s. Such type of IEC Scheme of ISM & H Workshops has been organized in rural and urban areas of District Lucknow, Sitapur, Rae- Bareilly, Buland Shaher, Badaun, and Bareilly. Naturopathic institute& hospitals, has been established in lucknow, Aligarh, etc
Promotion & propagation of govt. & scheme of minorities & propagation of urdu language
Society has established several Urdu- Madarsas & Shabeena Woman Madarsas for learning the Urdu & Humanitarian teaching centers of Islam for minorities was established in rural & urban areas of District Lucknow, Sitapur, Badaun Aligarh & Barabanki, Raibraielly society is going to start Urdu Computer typing learning center in Sitapur & Lucknow.
Training to women and girls
The secretary informed that Society has started Women Vocational Training Center in Lucknow This training school is open to trained the Women and Girls in Tailoring, knitting, embroidery etc In this school about 125 women and girls are taking The basic aim of this training school is to make the women self
depend so they may pass their idle time in learning of creative activities. This training school has also covered good name and fame in the area.
This training program has been started by the society since 2019-20 The basic aim of this Computer training is to make youth so that competent hat after completion of training they may be engaged at any place without any trouble. It is an effort in the direction of decreasing unemployment problem. This training center is working well in areas of Lucknow, Sitapur, and Badaun. A Vocational Urdu Computer Training Center will be soon established in Sitapur.
Anti- Drug addiction cam
This program has been started by the Society since 2019-2020 ,The basic theme behind this program is to get aware the person about injurious effect of drug, alcohol and tobacco. Now a days smoking, drinking, drug, taking tobacco chewing those thing. However now scientist & doctors have proved it very well that person should not take use of all above things if he wants to pass long & Healthy Life.
Vocational training for rural unemployed youth
The Society organized training center in Lakheempurkheeri, Lucknow, UNNAO, Sitapur, Badaun, Aligarh (U.P) Dilshad Gasrden colony, Jamia Nager (New Delhi). The trainee were provided training for , food processing industry , Chiken garment embroidery , & Carpet weaving , Nursing care course for boys & cutting &tailoring, embroidery course for the girls. In all 100 boys & 60 girls were provided training in the above program.
Coaching centers
Regular events of the society providing free coaching for engineering medical entrance& IAS, PCS, banks competition entrance in all fifty students were provided free coaching, out of which 50% from sc. Backwards, minority community in society coaching centers in district Lucknow, Aligarh, Sitapur etc.
Biodiversity protection& tree plantation camps
Camps on Biodiversity protection & pollution controls has been organized in Lucknow, Sitapur, Barabanki, Unnav, Badaun, Lakheempurkhiree in month April and in month of May , jinn 08. Tree plantation awareness programs organized in waste land areas of district Unnav, Sitapur , Rural Kanpur