Health care and medical aid are pressing need of the country today especially for the poor section whose problem health get more complicated day by day for reason of malnutrition unhygienic surrounding and non availability medical attendance and high cost medical treatment which is beyond their means . There is vast scope humanity service in this for those who believe in profession the missionary commitment to a commercial job A man educated in the various medical sciences tries to alleviate the pain and suffering fellowmen and restores their health renders the best service to humanity and brings men together fosters love among human being. Islam has to humanity a perfect code of life to humanity which teaches the man straight path of life It has conferred blessing on humanity. In the following way on the one hand, it makes the man a faithful bonds man of the Almighty ALLAH and other hand life easy for those who follow it
In order to teach message humanity at large scale, a number of good-hearted medical expert and intellectual organized INDIAN REDCRESCENT HEALTH CARE SOCIETY for spreading the message of humanity by services of humanity in the field of medical and healthcare & social welfare and education, development, social justice & empowerment
Incompliance for the command ALMIGHTY ALLAH the society has resolved to organized a team of expert in their respective field to look after the services of humanity and to establish Almigty mission hospitals, humanity mission centers in the field of education social welfare and justice
Indian Red crescent Health Care Society executive body has decided to establish specialized humanity mission hospital as head quarter ALMIGHTY HUMANITY MISSION hospital and branches of Almighty hospital will be establish in different districts. Of U.P & other states all over the country
To teach humanity messages and spread of humanity services and to safe guard human right & Justice
To established hospitals and clinics in areas suppressed below poverty line areas.
Six-day Programmes